Couples Photo Guide

Banner Image, scrapbook appearance, with 4 polaroid images of various couples. Scrap paper and dried flowers poking out around the images.

What to Expect

For couples photo sessions you typically have both of us joining you. Samson takes the lead and Kelsey Anne gets a second angle and heaps of candids. We normally start with some introductions, chit chat and Samson will explain our process in person.

We try to do as little posing as possible, so if you're worried about posing and being weird don't worry. We're with you through each step of the process.

It's helpful to have a moderately easy activity planned, and it's better if it's not elaborate because there's lots of stopping and going and stopping and going. Some examples would be sharing some wine in the backyard, walking the dogs, strolling the waterfront on the hunt for icecream cones, hitting your favourite trail with a basket full of snacks.

It's all very organic and we like it to feel like we're just hanging out with pals, keeping it as low key and stress free as possible.

What to Wear

We always like to tell folks to coordinate their outfits, but not overly. Make it look like you thought about it but didn't try too hard to match.

Dress for the season, and dress for the location. A sundress in a snowy field looks just as out of place as a suit and tie on the beach.

Keep your personality evident by wearing clothes you would normally wear or will wear again. Avoid obvious logos and super busy patterns. Solids are great, neutrals and gem tones are terrific. Here's some colour palettes you could follow:

A variety of colour combinations for couples photos.

These examples are all unique enough to show your personality but still play well together in a paired setting.

How to Prepare

Lint roll yaselves! We sometimes have a lint roller in our bag but it's not a guarantee. Get the pet floof, stray hairs, random pills of laundry off your outfits before we start shooting. This will also help you get your photos faster because it's way less time editing each image.

Speaking of pets - if you want to bring the furriest member of the family along - we're all for it. Let us know if your pet has any special commands, needs or likes treats ahead of time so we can be extra prepared to meet them.